I’m really excited to launch our rebranded site today, it’s the culmination of several years of thinking and learning about the good, the bad and the ugly in early stage finance.
These learnings have come from working with some astounding founders, technologists and operators in amazing ventures solving some incredibly difficult problems. When you’re operating at the coal face with limited resources and multiple opportunities, if your finance function isn’t fit for purpose, you’re going to end up with sub-optimal decisions (or worse, no decision at all).
We’ve learned through talking to angels, venture capitalists and the people in the broader investment landscape about how information flows (or should flow) up and down so that they can better understand what’s going on in their portfolio and help anticipate issues before they blow up.
And not least, we’ve learned by talking to and working with some of the most impressive people working in finance across the early stage ecosystem. Be they the CFOs and more operational finance heads like those working with EmergeONE, or the network of R&D, tax or legal specialists, financial institutions, lenders and software providers that we have built and worked with over time.
Never has it been easier to start a business. The world is full of budding entrepreneurs following their passion and taking a leap of faith to launch their dreams.
But time and time again we see that rather than facilitating and driving that growth, the finance function has at best been considered a necessary evil, or at worst actually been an impediment to scaling.
All too often we’d see founders running their own numbers through some cloud based software and not getting any value out of them, junior finance heads being called CFOs and dropping the ball, or someone heavy hitting out of banking or practice coming in but not willing or able to get their hands dirty because they’d never operated before.
We’re not an outsourced accounting firm whose main goal is to make sure your returns are done on time, and we’re not traditional consultants that come in, charge you a bunch of money for a plan and then wash our hands of the implementation.
Instead, what we are is a group of finance pros that get startups because we’ve been operating in them collectively for decades. We know which metrics matter, from LTV to ARPU from MRR to margin, we know our way around financial models and decks, how to maximise runway or ramp up revenue and know our cashflow from our cap table. Our focus is forward and outwards – we look at the levers that drive your venture, build your finance stack and help you make the best decisions to grow.
In fact, that’s the overriding goal here at EmergeONE, to help grow – whether that’s growing a venture, your understanding of finance, or the ecosystem at large.